Our mind is in a constant state of thinking. During situation of extreme emotions, good or bad (I do not choose define any emotion as good or bad), the train of our thoughts races at a pace that is much beyond our control.

Even during meditation, we are guided to or we attempt to not to engage with any thought that comes to our mind; we have to let them flow like a river, without taking a dip in their water.

Thus, thoughts are with us till we are alive. These thoughts tell us the narrative of our lives. They determine the course of our life. I define our life as a result of the following process:


Hence, our thoughts are creating our life. Our intentions are always to live, to enjoy, to be successful, to be happy, to be healthy, to be loved, to be all that is positive. So, the first step where the misalignment happens between intentions and reality is the thought.

If we just knew how to effortlessly correct our thoughts, our lives would change. Creative writing can easily do so for us.

Through writing a story of our lives the way we imagine it, suffused with wholesome details that we desire, we can train our mind to think different thoughts.

When we are writing, our mind is deeply engaged with the words and the imagery created by them. At this moment, the more we write, the deeper our experience of the reality grows. We are able to reach the meditative state that artists, performers, sages, and other inspired beings, reach through the practice of their art or skill. It is at this stage that all our senses are also fully aware of the surreal experience that our mind and also our body are undergoing. Eventually, within a span of thirty to forty minutes of focused writing about the life we want, we begin to live the life of our dreams.

The connection between the intentions and reality, with all the different steps in the process, becomes clear, straight and direct. The vivid imagery conjured by reaching within ourselves and reinforced by words written in our own hand, direct our thoughts. The experience is a profound one and stays with us, even when we are not writing. This phenomenon empowers us to direct our thoughts even when they tend to go astray. Our perception and our perspective undergo a change. A traumatised brain can also be rewired through the regular exercise of positive creative writing.


A constant practice of creative writing about the envisioned goal rewires our brain to think differently about the same concepts.

You may like to watch a video on the concept here:

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