When your child who is in class 7 or 8, emphatically states that he/she is determined to become, say an architect, please accept that declaration with a bag of salt. What I mean is that youngsters start nurturing the idea of an independent living at this age, and they begin to understand the connection between earnings and freedom. Thus, these declarations are more declarations of independence and less declarations of choice of career.

Your young adult’s personality and perception will undergo a lot of change in the coming years. This is desirable, but this also does not imply that you wait till that time and let this opportunity go. When the child professes an interest to learn and earn, support them and the process of crystallisation of their thought by exposing them to different activities.

As a parent you must encourage discussions about work, choice of career and other related aspects of the job. You must bring to the notice of the child the trade-offs of making a particular selection, not with the purpose of discouraging them, but to make them aware. Most of the times the glamour of a job, the halo effect of a role-model, or the peer group preference are reasons that a child declares his/her liking.

Seeking guidance from a career counselor may prove helpful at this stage. The youngsters are open to listen to suggestions from others in this age. However, a lot goes into the process of them finally choosing a career.



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